Site Appraisals, Pre-Application Advice and Planning Decision Reviews

Site Appraisal Services - could your land get planning permission?
Our planning appraisals are designed to help you understand if planning permission for some form of development is possible, and what the costs might be to get there.
Whether you are a landowner, thinking of buying or selling a site and want to understand if further development is possible, or perhaps you are looking to maximise land value - this service is here to help you assess development options.
The appraisal report we create caters for both members of the public with no previous exposure to planning, as well as experienced developers. It provides advice on a range of matters, including site constraints, opportunities and risks together with an opinion on the development potential of the site for a wide range of uses.
Why get a planning appraisal and Why is it important to use a planning consultant?
Planning applications increasingly require a number of technical reports as well as detailed architectural plans. Generally, the larger the proposed development, the greater the cost of preparing the application – but even preparing the smallest of planning applications can be a costly process and so it pays to get it right first time. Investing in the right advice and guidance is a wise decision and can save thousands of pounds in abortive costs - or even ensure you don’t end up buying land or property that cannot be developed at all.
This is why speaking to a planning consultant in the earliest stages is advisable. But choose wisely - a planning consultant requires detailed knowledge of an ever-changing spectrum of planning policies. Most 'agents' that advertise planning application services are not qualified planners, and although they might offer what feels like a cheap quote or be capable of preparing basic plans, you are very unlikely to get the same level of knowledge or understanding of the planning system from them. That can ultimately lead to unforeseen costs and a much higher risk that your application is refused. Our aim is to minimise your risks and ensure that you are absolutely clear about what lies ahead if you make a planning application.
In the first instance, seeking trustworthy advice from a qualified and experienced planning consultant should always be considered when you want to understand the development potential of any site. Paying for professional advice for a site appraisal or feasibility study before committing to the purchase of a property, or any other costs, is therefore always a wise investment. Our Planning Appraisals are offered in two levels of detail:

The 'In-Principle' Appraisal - Most common & cost effective for smaller projects.
This the most common type of site appraisal that we offer. It is designed for smaller sites and is suitable for more general enquiries where a site owner or buyer wants a high-level opinion on development potential or advice on a specific idea (note: this option is not suitable for more complex sites or locations affected by certain constraints that require a more detailed analysis).
We will undertake a search of the most common constraints that could affect the chance of you getting planning permission and provide you with a summary report with our opinion on development potential and opportunities or risks for moving forward. This will include an assessment of whether the principle and location of the proposed development is likely to be acceptable, plus the requirements for preparing a planning application.
We will not get into a detailed consideration of site design at this stage, but we will carry out searches to check what constraints apply to your site and need to be taken into account if a planning application is made (such as flood risk, heritage, protected trees etc). Crucially, we will let you know if we find any clear showstoppers that could affect development potential too.
This form of assessment is charged at a flat rate that allows for typically 3 to 4 hours of consultancy time (we will advise if we think more time is required) and uses various sources of technical data and mapping. Site visits and follow-up meetings are not included as standard, but can be added to the appraisal if required, chagred at time required and travel costs.
Detailed Planning Appraisals - for complex sites and major development projects.
For more complex proposals and major projects we offer a 'Detailed Planning Appraisal' – this is suitable for any site affected by multiple planning constraints (flood risk, heritage, ecological etc) and those located in protected areas, such as Green Belt land or other protected landscapes.
Our detailed planning appraisal explores the planning potential of your land or property, including a full review of a site's planning history, and is by far the most popular type of appraisal we provide for house and commercial property builders. It expands on the 'in principle' appraisal by providing a detailed assessment of the relevant planning constraints, and how to address them, plus a more thorough planning policy analysis. Presented in the form of a report, this type of appraisal is typically used by people who are considering purchasing land or property (including at auctions) or developers that have seen a development opportunity for sale and need a professional opinion on the suitability of an existing planning permission.
This appraisal is meticulously researched and takes time to prepare, including completing various searches. Each assignment is quoted on an individual basis, dependent on the level and complexity of the proposal and site location. Our positive customer feedback consistently shows us that our reports are incredibly worthwhile to our clients - and in the long term can save you significant sums by getting honest and accurate information at the outset.
If it looks like your site has potential, we will discuss how to move forward with either a planning application or a pre-application submission to the local authority. Ask for a quote here.

Pre-Application Advice - preparing information to test planning potential...
If it looks like your site has potential we can then discuss moving forward with either a planning application or a pre-application submission to the local authority. Often with developments involving any new housing or commercial schemes, a pre-application submission to the Council is recommended to seek their views on the acceptability of the proposal and requirements for any additional information that will be needed as part of the application. In many cases, Councils will choose not to negotiate with applicants unless pre-application advice has been previously sought.
If you want further advice on the above, including whether these services would be appropriate for your proposal, get in touch with us on 01522 581383 to discuss the next steps and our likely fees for preparing your pre-application pack, including some initial design ideas.
Decision Review - Has planning been refused? Didn't use our services but would like help? Read on...
If you have applied for planning permission and received a refusal notice, we can undertake a review of the Council’s justification for its refusal reasons. Equally, you may have received planning permission but found that conditions have been applied that you would like to challenge or need to try and get them removed, such as occupancy restrictions or a limit on your hours of operation.
Decision Review - Depending on the Council’s justifications, our Decision Review might recommend a re-submission of the application with amendments to address the refusal reason/s, or whether consideration should be given to a Planning Appeal instead - or possibly even both!
Condition Review - We will assess the reasons for the conditions that have been applied and provide you with a written opinion on whether these can be overcome and/or removed.
In all cases the extent (and fee) of the Decision Review or Condition Review will need to be considered on a case by case basis.
Contact us for a fee based on hour flat hourly rate.