Professional Planning Consultants - Specialists in complex planning matters
Delivered by our first-class team of highly experienced and chartered in-house Planning Consultants

Why Us? Our team of Planning Consultants have worked in both private practices and in Local Government at Senior Management and Head of Service levels, so we are uniquely placed to offer the most accurate and comprehensive advice to support your project or planning application, whatever the scale or type of project you need support for. From vineyards to new homes, industrial sites to stadiums, holiday parks to riding arenas (even graveyards!) we've handled projects of all shapes and sizes, with a solid reputation for navigating complex planning applications
Together with the option of using our expert in-house architectural team, Fytche-Taylor can manage any scale of project, and any type of development, from start to finish (or anything in between!).
We have an exemplary success rate in gaining planning permission and have completed projects for a wide variety of sectors, right across the UK. Our chartered planners are members of the Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI) and work in accordance with their professional and ethical guidelines at all times.
In addition to providing Planning Consultant services to individual clients, we can also come on board as part of a larger project team to provide specialist advice for major projects or interim support directly to LPA’s and Local Government to help manage short-term staff capacity cover.
Detailed Planning Advice, Land Appraisal & Promotion, Major Projects & Professional Planning Services
Fytche-Taylor provide a wide array of professional planning consultancy services tailored to meet various needs within the realm of evelopment and urban planning, including:
Detailed Planning Advice: Providing expert guidance on the intricacies of planning regulations, policy interpretation, and strategy formulation for obtaining planning permission. We help clients navigate through local authority requirements, prepare planning statements, and manage consultations.
Land Appraisal & Promotion: Before any development can take place, understanding the potential of a piece of land is crucial. Fytche-Taylor assess land for its development viability, considering factors like environmental constraints, planning history and market demand. Land promotion can involve working to secure outline planning permissions or preparing land for market by enhancing its planning status or promoting a site in a Local Plan review.
Major Projects: For significant developments that might include residential, commercial, or mixed-use projects, this service encompasses the entire planning process from inception to post-approval stages. This could include master planning, stakeholder engagement, public consultations, and handling complex applications that might require Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) or other specialised technical reports.
Professional Planning Services: Including appeals, planning enforcement issues, Section 106 agreements, Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) advice, and representation at planning committee meetings. We act as agents for clients, ensuring compliance with planning law while advocating for project approval. We offer interim placements within Local Government to provide day-to-day service management (subject to availability), Project Management, and Consultancy Support for all Planning functions. Please contact us to discuss our fees and availability.