Fytche-Taylor Planning Briefing

Changes to The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development etc.) (England) (Amendment) Order 2024 - Class Q, Class R and Part 6

Government changes legislation affect Class Q, Class Rand Part 6 of the GPDO
by Fytche-Taylor Planning Team, May 2024

The Government has announced changes to ‘Permitted Development’ rights to provide greater planning flexibility to encourage rural growth, housing delivery and support the agricultural sector.

The amendments specifically relate to four existing permitted development rights; development considered under Class Q and Class R (of Part 3) and Classes A and B (of Part 6). 

The changes will take effect from 21st May 2024 and are summarised below.

Government changes legislation affect Class Q, Class Rand Part 6 of the GPDO
Government changes legislation affect Class Q, Class Rand Part 6 of the GPDO

Class Q

Class Q allows agricultural buildings to change use to dwellinghouses.

The amended rights allow up to a total of 10 dwellinghouses and 1,000 square metres of floorspace to change use (an increase from the previous 5 units and 865 square metres).

There is now a maximum floorspace per dwellinghouse of 150 square metres.   The amended rights also permit, the erection of a single storey rear extension of up to 4 metres (on land covered by an existing hard surface).

Class R

Class R allows the change of use of agricultural buildings to commercial uses.

The amended rights increase the amount of floorspace that can change use up to 1000 square metres (an increase from the previous 500 square metres).  Class R now includes Use Class B2 (General Industrial) and Use Class F2(c) (outdoor sports or recreation).

Part 6

Class A allows for development on agricultural units of 5 hectares or more, including the erection, extension and alteration of agricultural buildings.

The ground area which may be covered by any building erected, extended or altered by virtue of Class A from 1,000 to 1,500 square metres.

Class B of Part 6 of the General Permitted Development Order allows for development on agricultural units of less than 5 hectares and permits the extension or alteration of existing buildings (but not the erection of new buildings), amongst other works.

The amended rights increase the limit on the maximum cubic content by which a building may be increased under Class B from 20% to 25% and increases the limit on the ground area of any building extended under Class B from 1,000 square metres to 1,250 square metres.

These changes will present new opportunities to enable landowners to make the best use of their agricultural buildings.

Contact us today for further information or to discuss any potential opportunities on your site.

Unit 5, The Quays, Burton Waters, Lincoln, LN1 2XG